This is a post for testing purposes only

wrench image from Pixabay

What happens when your post gets upvotes, and then you edit that post? Will the upvotes (and downvotes) and author/curation rewards be reset? There is no warning regarding that whatsoever whenever I am writing at or

I have decided to edit this post after I have published and upvoted it to see what happens. After all, experiments are the highest form of research.

EDIT: The votes and curation rewards appears to have remained on my post. The reason for this test is because I have read a Hive (from Steem) article about 2 years ago that editing your post resets/clears the votes (including the downvotes?) and author/curator rewards. It now appears that it is not the case, but I will wait until the end of the 7-day voting period for the conclusion.

By the way, thanks for the upvotes, even though I was just testing something.